Welcome to Coach Slobo Fitness Consulting!


Accountability with empathy

You aren’t in this alone! In addition to physical health, your mental and emotional well-being are vitally important. Through constant and consistent communication, we will ensure you stay on task, overcome the challenges along the way, and improve your abilities to conquer your goals!


Customized strategies for steady progress

Your plan is personalized with your goals, motivations, and limitations in mind, based on techniques and methods learned in 20+ years of coaching experience. Plus, we will modify our strategies if your needs change, allowing you continue to improve regardless!


Molding Mindset

Fitness doesn’t fit into a bubble - There are so many contributing factors that lead to success. Like pieces of a puzzle, we will cover ALL of them! Topics include nutritional habits, sleep schedule, mental practices, stress management, social health, and more to ensure your success!