What Coach Slobo’s clients are saying:

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Kendall Adkins

“My biggest challenge was trying to maintain a consistent workout schedule, ensuring that I would not fall off track after a few days or weeks not working out. I was hesitant to use a remote trainer, but Rob has maintained consistent communication and tailored all preferences to my needs.

Since starting with CSFC, beyond physical changes in lifestyle, I have seen a huge improvement in my mental attitude towards being active. I’m proud of the muscle I’ve gained and increased flexibility, in addition to mentality improvements and increased appetite for healthier foods. 

Working a sedentary job can weigh down on me, physically and mentally, so having a trainer who not only will provide strong workouts, but encourage 'bite-sized'  workouts whenever possible, helps a lot.

Plus, I’m most impressed by the adaptability and flexibility of the program! If there is something that isn't working or needs to be tweaked, an alternative or change is made within the day. To those considering CSFC, Do it!

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Anna Bernal

“Coach Slobo is the best trainer I’ve ever had. He doesn’t fall into hyped workout trends. He offers research based fitness programs aimed to help you safely and steadily achieve your goals. He helps you build a strong foundation and proper form for all exercises. I was a runner who dealt with chronic hip issues. A lot of my muscle imbalances were improved while working with Robin, and I was able to really challenge myself in areas I had neglected. I would highly recommend him if you have specific fitness goals you are trying to achieve!”

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Alex Dempsey

“In the past, I’ve experienced general difficulty in maintaining weight. In addition, I’d been wanting to increase athleticism and general well-being. However, I was having a hard time being motivated enough to make necessary changes.

The first time I started working with Rob, he got me prepped for Kilimanjaro. The work he had me doing made the climb easy and enjoyable... something that is normally a monumental task for many!

Beyond the results, I’ve been most impressed by Rob's sincere focus on your well being. He does everything that he can to work with you and your specific needs. Even over this summer, when I couldn't work out due to time, he came up with 15 minute workouts for me to do before work. This, plus his accountability, helped me stay active and generally feel better throughout the day.

Considering CSFC? You should absolutely do it! Rob is a consummate professional and will give you the focus and attention that you need to reach your goals. You're getting someone that truly cares about you and your needs! Rated 10/10!”


Prior to joining CSFC, I was lazy and unfocused. I didn't have a goal in mind or an effective routine to follow. My only hesitation before joining was that I didn't expect working virtually with a trainer who was 8 time zones away to be effective. What helped me overcome that hesitation was Coach Slobo's availability, constant feedback on workouts, and scheduled sessions to see if anything on my routine/plan needed to be adjusted.

The biggest change in my lifestyle based on my CSFC experience so far is that I actually enjoy working out because I can see progress from where I started to where I am now. I love seeing how much I improved on each exercise over time, and that’s helped motivate me to keep at it. Since I started working with Coach Slobo, I’m most proud to say that I’ve finished a triathlon!

Considering CSFC for your own benefit? Don't overthink it - Just do it! Working with CSFC is a great experience as Coach Slobo will tailor plans to meet your goals and needs, while holding you accountable throughout. You'll love it! 10/10!

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Elisa Dolan

“Coach Slobo is great! I was looking for a more structured and consistent approach to working out, but was nervous about keeping up motivation in a remote setting. I am proud to say I am much stronger than when I started a few months ago! Robin’s approach has been great, with constant and clear communication that has kept me engaged and accountable. My strength training is much more efficient and the app makes tracking workouts so easy! Plus, I consistently feel less sore and achy, even as I exercise more often. Give CSFC a try, you won’t regret it...I certainly haven’t! Perfect 100!

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Joseph Fisher

“As a life-long athlete, I’ve tried to stay informed about ways to improve performance and train efficiently. But over time, a knowledge gap developed; With the field of study being so quick to progress, it’s difficult to know what’s the most effective exercise methods these days. Plus, time is a huge factor for me. Between a demanding full time job and playing hockey a few times a week, there’s limited time for training.

I worked with Robin while he and I were both living in Athens, GA, but had to stop when he moved to DC. However, when he started CSFC, I saw an opportunity to work with him again. Since starting, I’m definitely more motivated and have been impressed by an outstanding level of engagement! My priorities have shifted and I’ve put more effort into hitting the gym as much (or more) than I get on the ice. Plus, when a recent injury set me back, Coach Slobo changed up my regimen accordingly. Even though I am still recovering, I can see the best results are yet to come!

To anyone considering CSFC, think about it as an investment into your health. Your future self will thank you well into old age!

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Brendan Harvey

“Before joining CSFC, I never had a regular exercise regime and knew basically nothing. I was in my mid-20s and didn't have a clue what to do in the gym. I had tried to use trainers before, but none of them had helped understand what I was doing. They would just mechanically move me from exercise to exercise. After talking to Robin, it was clear that he would help me build a workout plan from the ground up, starting with a focus on proper form and movement and slowly working up to more complicated exercises. He was really focused on teaching me the "why" behind exercises that allowed me to appreciate what I was doing and how I would achieve my long term goals.

Since joining CSFC, the biggest change has been making exercise a part of my everyday, not just another chore. Robin is a real phenom when it comes to tailoring workouts for your lifestyle and time commitments. Working with him has helped improve almost every physical aspect of my everyday life. I wake up with more energy, stand taller and have better balance.

Robin is a fount of wisdom and an amazing cheerleader. It is great to work with someone who really does understand the mechanics behind effective exercise. I have sent him pictures of hotel gyms and he has been able to create workouts that are in line with my goals. Most importantly, he is massively supportive and helps hold me accountable to myself.

Robin was just the trainer I was looking for as someone who was new to working out. If you want a coach that is supportive, knowledgeable, adaptable and available, then Robin's just the person with whom you should speak! Rated 10/10!


Brenna Hayes

I’ve never really had a “plan” when it came to working out. There were too many options out there, and it’s been hard to find something generic that works with my inconsistent work schedule. I’d worked with Robin face to face in the past; I loved his coaching style, but was hesitant to join CSFC because of the distance between us.

Since then, I’ve found it easier to find the time to work out! Most notably, Coach Slobo helped me make a change in my mindset - I’ve realized that all movement is good movement, and not every workout needs to be aggressive. As a result, I’ve increased upper body strength, cardiovascular endurance, and have more visible muscle definition!

Furthermore, I’ve been SO impressed by Robin’s adaptability. Through all the curve balls of life and work, he’s been able to modify my plan and make necessary changes without any issue.

As mentioned, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Robin in-person and via online coaching.  Regardless of the platform, he’s been a great motivator, coach, and a wealth of knowledge. He’s been beyond helpful, keeps me motivated, and ensures my workouts are both fun and challenging! Even if you don’t want a full coaching service, it’s 1000000% worth signing up for a consultation. Rated 10/10!”

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Geoff Horsfield

“Recently, my workouts were stale and inconsistent. I felt like I needed to add something to spark my workouts and get back into shape. I heard about CSFC, but I wasn't sure if the program would be unique enough to me. Also, I was also concerned about the costs at first, as I had never hired a personal trainer before. 

Coach Slobo worked with me to design a program that had both new exercises and ones I had done in the past, all geared towards me. And now that we’ve worked together, I see the value that I get back from my investment. After just a few months, I feel stronger again after not going to a gym in almost a year. 

Robin's attention to detail and responsiveness has been super helpful. If I have a question during a workout, he usually responds before I finish the next set! Thinking about CSFC? Do it! Take away any concerns about planning and scheduling and get back to focusing on building strength, flexibility, speed, weight loss...whatever!

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alex lamina

Coach Slobo is the most knowledgeable trainer I have ever worked with! He took the time to figure out what my goals were and the workouts that I needed to get there. He made working out easy for me and had it work with my busy schedule. Working a full time job can be tiring but he made sure the work outs were effective and enjoyable! He was easy to talk to and always made sure to check in weekly to see if I needed anything! I started seeing results that I wanted within a month and am now in a steady routine thanks to Rob! Highly recommend him to anyone who would like a customized work out plan just for you.

Alex Litoff

Before CSFC, I was struggling to get the most out of my fitness routine and make sure it supported my goals (feeling good and playing lots of golf). Despite working out and stretching consistently, I was still hindered by a lot of little aches and pains. My old lifting routine from college wasn't the right fit anymore and I didn't know what to do.

I knew Rob was qualified and a great fit for me, but I was hesitant how this would work remotely. I honestly felt like I needed an in-person trainer. Rob has done a great job checking in and is always available to talk through things (form checks, new ailments, routine tweaks, etc.). I've experienced great results and I feel like our communication is more consistent and real-time (vs waiting for the next weekly in-person session).

When I used to golf, I always had hip, back or shoulder pain. Now, I can play much more comfortably and more frequently! Plus, my body just feels better day-to-day, having cleared up little aches and pains. I feel like I am getting much more out of my stretching and workout time than I used to. Frankly, I’m proud of how good I feel compared to when we started! I am more mobile and I can comfortably do the things I enjoy, aka golf!

I’m impressed with Rob's ability to tweak the routine to meet my needs. I knew he was going to give me a lot of new exercises to do, but when we need to modify one, he is great about finding ways to make it work for my situation.

Believe the hype: Rob is great! He is super knowledgeable, checks in frequently, and can customize your plan in a million ways to meet your needs. This is particularly true if you are a stiff office worker - CSFC will do wonders for you! It is a great middle ground for people who want something more personalized than cookie cutter online plans, but don't want to go all in for super expensive weekly in-person training sessions. CSFC has found the sweet spot to make the virtual experience personalized and flexible!

Diana McKinnon

“For years, I’ve been dealing with challenges related to obesity, lack of range of motion, and no muscle strength. I wanted to make improvements, but I was worried I wouldn’t stick with it based on past experiences. But since I’ve started with Coach Slobo, his motivational style proved it impossible to give up!

Each day, I’ve made the time to move and improve. Although I’ve missed days (due to medical reasons), with some motivation and guidance from Coach, I’m back at it! I’m on a regular routine to do cardio every other day and strength and flexibility training in between.

I’m particularly proud of my more positive mental outlook. Since I can stay positive, I am more willing to continue on this journey to a healthy lifestyle. It’s not just about losing weight, but now an overall healthy mental view and lifestyle. And the support and attention from Coach have impressed me from the start!

If you’re considering CSFC, DO IT!! It’s a reasonably priced program that lends itself to people who want to avoid crowded gyms and/or COVID. Even if you prefer the gym, it’s a great deal to work with an experienced, motivational trainer! It’s 10/10 for me!”

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Margaret McKinnon

“I had previously worked with Robin at a local gym and was confident in his knowledge and planning. My primary goals have been to maintain my overall fitness levels and keep up distance running while minimizing the risk of injury. However, I wasn’t working out consistently due to a haphazard schedule and did virtually no cross-training.

Now, through working with CSFC, I’ve regained a lot of the speed I lost after having my second child when my running routine went off the rails. I’m regularly doing two weight workouts and three runs per week and feel like I’m the strongest I’ve been as a post-college adult, even though I’m running less often and fewer miles overall! The workouts are quite tailored to my goals and not ones I would think to put together myself. For anyone thinking about joining CSFC, give it a try!

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Lindsey Murad

I was having a hard time figuring out a workout routine that would strengthen my body without causing injury, considering past knee issues. I was referred through a friend who offered first hand testimony that she could overcome a similar injury using a personal trainer online. I had never used a personal trainer before, much less someone that was on the other side of the country, but took her recommendation to work with Robin.

The biggest change so far has been my consistency. Now, I have a pretty routine schedule and I am so used to doing regular workouts, I don’t even have to think about it anymore - I just do it! Since starting, I have noticed a development in muscle definition and I feel so much stronger than I was before! I feel comfortable tackling larger weights and doing moves that I would have never done on my own. And don’t worry about not being sure how to do the moves - Between instructional videos and detailed descriptions for each move, you feel like you are being shown in person!

I’m most impressed by the attentiveness I receive. Coach is always checking in and making sure I am liking my workouts so I can keep motivation high. Throughout, he makes sure that you are getting one-on-one attention. Robin makes everything super easy for you while staying super friendly and upbeat...so encouraging that you feel like you have your own personal cheerleader every step of the way, no matter what your goal is!

Robin remains flexible with my changing schedule and helps me adapt to whatever environment I am in so I don’t lose any momentum. He tailors his program to meet your needs no matter how much your schedule may change. I have felt confident these past months that no matter where I am and what equipment is available to use, Robin will always have a plan for me to keep moving. You don’t get that anywhere else!

Trust the process. Stick with it. From the beginning, you build a strong foundation that prepares you for the months ahead with no signs of stopping. Perfect 10!!

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jason pena

Physical fitness plays a big part in my job.  We are constantly assessed through various means to determine our level of fitness and these ratings are often a large part of career advancement.  I was getting older and slower, and I wanted to stay competitive with my younger colleagues. Plus, I used to go through periods where I would hit the gym frequently, then not at all, so I needed to improve consistency.

I had no reservations about joining CSFC because I had worked with Robin before and felt confident that this program would be very beneficial for me. Since joining, my consistency has improved and I’ve seen a significant increase in strength. I used to have low numbers on my pull-ups - Even though I would work for weeks, I would have very little gains to show for it. I am now up to 14 strict pull-ups, which is almost double what I was doing a couple months ago!

I’ve been impressed by the way workouts are tailored for my goals, available equipment, and the amount of time I have to exercise. Having a custom workout plan that addresses these three key issues leaves you with no excuses not to make progress. Furthermore, the monthly calls are great for modifying goals and workouts to make sure you stay on the path to success. If you want to get the most out of your gym time, you owe it to yourself to give CSFC a try!

Natalie Peterson

“For some time, I dealt with poor sleep, woke up groggy, had low energy through the day, and was unsure of how to maximize my workout equipment on hand. I had a desire to mix up my routine, but I’m not a huge “there’s an app for that” fan. I worried that more screen based programming would mean more time on my phone. Turns out, it wasn’t an issue with CSFC!

Since starting, I’ve made significant improvements in my sleep hygiene! And I’ve gained creative license with objects around the house/property in creating weights or resistance objects for my personal workouts. I’m impressed by Coach Slobo’s commitment to weekly check-ins & the ease of tracking my workouts. Plus, I’m better about incorporating rest into workouts and seasons to maximize efficiency! I’ve had a complete mindset shift, from feeling stuck in a rut to being inspired to move forward! 

If you’re considering CSFC, absolutely go for it! I think a misconception is that you are anchored to just one way of training, but the awesome part about Coach Slobo’s philosophy is that he WANTS you to incorporate any and all movements that make you HAPPY, which is incredibly liberating!

If you want a transactional experience in a big box gym, overnight results, and are quick to jump on the next “big thing”…this is probably not the place for you. But if you are desiring balance, overall wellness, want an accountability partner, and value a coach who has committed their professional life to honing their craft…then you have arrived! 100/100!”

Andrew Rose

Overall, I was looking for a personal trainer that would both educate me and keep me accountable. A number of years ago, Robin and I worked together at Bethesda Sport and Health, then kept in touch after he moved on in his career. We always enjoyed working together, but didn’t get the opportunity again until CSFC was created. Initially, he offered to coach me remotely via his training app, but I really needed more one-on-one time, as opposed to an app-based solution; Robin graciously agreed to work with me via Facetime twice a week for guidance and accountability.

Since starting, the biggest change I’ve made is keeping a consistent schedule, which is really important for me. Robin makes sure to push me to focus on overall fitness, in addition to golf-specific exercises. I’m proud to say I've gained strength as a result of our weekly workouts. Throughout, Robin is on top of everything! To those hesitant to start: What are you waiting for?! Do it already! Robin knows his stuff and ultimately has your best interest in mind!”

Harrison Seeler

"One year after becoming a dad, I realized how much I let myself go - I had gained a lot of weight and had been eating a lot of takeout. In addition, my sleep habits were poor and I was having trouble making my health a priority and fitting it into my schedule. I was hesitant to make the financial commitment of hiring a coach, but decided to prioritize an investment in my health.

After joining CSFC, I’ve consistently fit exercise into my schedule, proudly making fitness a priority in my life once again. As a result, I've begun to lose weight - The first time I haven't gained weight since the birth of my daughter!

I'm most proud of my consistency in my workouts and impressed with how close Rob works with me. I'm not just getting some workouts prescribed, but rather I have a partner along the journey to make sure I'm getting the most out of his services.

If you're the least bit interested in working with CSFC, take the first step and talk to Rob to discuss how he can help you. The way he tailors and customizes your plan is great - Not only will he make sure your workouts benefit your health, but he will make sure you enjoy doing them as well. If you're like me and had some ups and downs with your fitness routine, sign up and see how big of a difference it makes having a partner in your journey. Perfect 100/100!"

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Lee Slobodien

“Despite going to the gym 5-6 days a week, my workouts had plateaued and I was losing motivation from the lack of progress. I thought about joining CSFC, but hesitated because I was concerned there would be new exercises I wouldn’t know how to do.

When I started the program, I was impressed by how quickly I saw results! Coaching and video demonstrations helped me overcome my initial hesitation and my workouts changed focus. For instance, my routines included more stretching than they ever had in the past, helping me avoid injuries while maintaining a high training volume. As a result, I’m losing body fat and feel more comfortable taking my shirt off!

To those thinking about joining, DO IT! No matter your goals or current situation, you’ll love CSFC because it will be tailored just for you and will get you where you want to be! Rated 10/10!”

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Summer Rain Ursomarso

“I joined CSFC based on a referral from my physical therapist to help with knee and shoulder injuries that I couldn't get to heal. I realized I didn't know the exercises that would truly help strengthen the right areas. Plus, in the time of COVID, I had no access to normal gym equipment. It was clear that my methods of staying fit weren’t going to heal my injuries - I needed an expert for that.

Rob was supportive and inspiring, but realistic. Multiple times brought be "back to earth" when I was convinced I could do more than I really should be. At the time it wasn't impressive, but it was what I needed. I am starting to be better about making those decisions for myself and not pushing myself too hard.

As a result, my shoulder injury is almost fully healed and my knee is significantly better. I have more awareness of my eating habits and how moving, stretching, and foam rolling really help my muscles respond better.

Coach Slobo is flexible in his workouts and very responsive. Plus, It's virtual! That makes a world of difference if you have a hectic schedule, don't have access to local trainers or need more flexibility. I highly recommend working with him!

Ready to experience your own success?

Set up your FREE consultation with Coach Slobo today!